Tuesday, 1 January 2013


Sorry I have not keep up to date with blog. I will try to update over the next two days with photos as soon as I learn how!!

For those people who have been leaving comments, thank you so much!!! Contact with home is very important to us at the moment.  If you do leave a comment, can you please sign off with your name. When we get notification of a comment it only comes up with "annonomous" as the title so, we don't know who sent it.

The attached photo is of the new primary school Pastor Sam (in white) is building in Jaffna. It is a major construction sight at the moment but it is supposed to have students attending in 8 days!!! Hard to believe, but they do things differently in Sri Lanka.

  On the 3rd of Jan we will celebrate 15 years wedding anniversary. Will have to work out something nice to do.
Bye for now A, J S and E


  1. Happy anniversary...one you will remember for a long time!
    Jarvis crew xxxxx

  2. Happy New Year and Anniversary guys! Cant believe the school will be ready, hahaha. Keep the photos coming! Terri

  3. Hey Jacinta and Andrew, we are celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary today, the 2nd. (Well, I hope we can celebrate. I was sick in bed most of yesterday and still don't feel 100% yet.)Congrats for your 15th tomorrow. May it be a memorable anniversary doing something different in a different place. Samantha Bryan

  4. Danielle Goddaer2 January 2013 at 04:37

    Happy Anniversary guys. I turned my computer on after a couple of weeks and saw your message, so just had to come and check out your blog. Hope you are having an amazing time and the girls are still excited and happy. Take care of yourselves and I'm looking forward to seeing more photos now that you know how to upload them!

  5. Great to see the site up and running. Looking forward to seeing the updates. Happy New Year - I am sure it will be a very different one!

  6. Happy new year and happy anniversary! 15 years wow, where did that time go?!? Sending lots of love your way. Lauren and justin xxxx

  7. Hello there Garty's. Have just caught up as I have finally checked my work emails. Happy new year and Happy Anniversary. How exciting for you all. Will be thinking of you and looking forward to updates.


  8. Just catching up your blog Garty Family - nice work! Looking forward to more news and photos. :)
